Campers must be within the age range of the group listed below by the summer (June) of each year:
Early Childhood – Our youngest campers will be in groups/pods of 10 with 1 senior counselor and 2 junior counselors per group. They have the option of two-days, three-days, or five-days a week. All of their activities will be age-appropriate and closely supervised and designed with their safety and well-being in mind.
- Pitzelim "Pink": 2-3-year-olds who are not yet fully potty-trained. Our goals for this group are to ensure their safety, care for their physical, intellectual, and social needs, and provide fun, creative, hands-on learning.
- K'tontonim "Red": 3-4-year-olds who are completely potty-trained. Our goals for this group are to provide indoor and outdoor activities including games, art, nature, creative movement, music, dance, and special programming for Shabbat each week.
- Gan Yeladim “Yellow”: 5-year-olds or entering kindergarten in the fall. Our goals for this group are the same as those for K’tontonim with more time devoted to organized sports, games, and specialty activities.
School Age – Our elementary-age campers will be in groups of 15 campers. There will be 1 senior and 1 junior counselor per group. These campers will rotate through activities including swim lessons throughout the day and special programming for Shabbat each week.
- Chalutzim "Purple" or "Orange": 6-8-years-old (entering 1st-2nd grade in the fall).
- Kadima Kids "Blue": 8-10-year-olds (entering 3rd-4th grade in the fall).
- Tzofim "Gold": 10-13-year-olds (entering 5th-7th grade in the fall).
Limmud: Learning Leadership
- Kibbutzim "Green": 13-15-year-olds (entering 8th or 9th grade in the fall). These campers are our Interns, learning skills to become our next junior counselors. Interns will focus on team-building activities, mitzvah projects and leadership training.