2025 Jewish Summer Sleep Away Camp Scholarships

Oklahoma City Jewish Foundation

The Oklahoma City Jewish Foundation believes in the positive experiences that Jewish summer sleep away camps provide and is pleased to offer scholarships to Jewish children living in the greater Oklahoma City area.


  • In 2025 the Oklahoma City Jewish Foundation will disperse a total of $8,000 in scholarship funds to enable Jewish children in our community to attend approved Jewish overnight camps in the United States.


  • The $8,000 will be divided evenly between all applicants with no one camper receiving more than $1,000.


  • The money will be available to all Jewish children living in the greater Oklahoma City area that is served by the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City - affiliated or non-affiliated with a congregation.


  • Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must make a 2025 campaign pledge to the Jewish Federation's annual campaign in order for their camper(s) to receive on of these scholarships. The pledge payment is not due until December 31, 2025 (invoice reminders will be sent quarterly thoughout the year).


In order to have your camper(s) included in this scholarship opportunity please send an email with the following information to Rachel Johnson by not later than end of day Thursday, March 31.

1. Your camper's name(s) and age(s)

2. The Jewish summer sleep away camp they will be attending this summer

3. Your Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City 2025 campaign pledge


Scholarship submission deadline is end of day Friday, March 31, 2025.

Scholarship recipients will be notified by April 21, 2025.